
River Cares – Guest Speaker Aloma Fennell

River Cares invited Ms Aloma Fennell the President of the National Older Womens Network (NOWN) who advocates for the health, wellbeing and rights of older women and is also the voice for older women in key social and political discussions to be the guest speaker at a luncheon held in Spencer. Ms Fennell was warmly […]

Expecting A Quick Rebound

Quick Rebound

Carolyn Wheatley – Belle Property After a year none of us saw coming, it’s refreshing to see signs that the housing market is set to recover. Australia’s biggest home lender says house price falls so far during the pandemic have been surprisingly small and they are predicting a quick rebound. With the fall being less […]

Does This Kind Of Teen-Chat Sound Familiar To You?

Keep Occupied Job Satisfaction

For almost as long as humans have traversed the earth, generations of teens and pre-teens have developed languages of their own to communicate with one another. The introduction of social media sites such as Tik Tok and the relative ease of digital communication means the slang they are using is evolving at a rapid pace […]

Dural & District Historical Society Inc – News From History Cottage

How fortunate we are to live where we do; for most of us it has not meant being confined indoors. There has been plenty to do in the garden, time to read and to shop locally. Our thoughts go to those who have not been able to meet with family and who could not participate […]

Bush Tracks And Tales – Walk Of The Month For December 2020

Bush Tracks

By Gerard Nolan The tree canopy along Platypus Creek provides a much needed cooling effect in the heat of summer. This shading or cooling effect is very important in reducing the surrounding temperature and making the conditions more pleasant for walking. Trees provide a similar cooling role whether in your street, in your yard or […]

Hidden In The Hills – Grevillea Or Spider Flower

Spider Flower

By Lachlan Turner Throughout the latter part of the year it is possible to come across what is commonly described as a Grevillea or Spider Flower Plant. There are four Spider Plants having a similar structured flower, each presenting with a different contrasting colour. The most noticeable one in natural bushland could well be the […]

Free Tutoring In 2021

Covid-19 Support

By Ray Williams For the first time in NSW, students will receive free tutoring in 2021 thanks to a $337 million program as part of the 2020-2021 Budget. This program is set to increase the ongoing support for students’ education after a disruptive school year. The program will not only support our students, but also […]

2020: A Year In Review

Year In Review

By Matt Kean 2020 will not be forgotten in a hurry. It has been a year which has tested us and shown our strength as a community. As we head towards the end of the year I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope you are able spend this time with family […]

Northconnex… A Great End To A Challenging Year


By Julian Leeser I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas. This year has been incredibly challenging, however we have plenty of reason for optimism. While many people have lost their jobs through this pandemic, many of those have now resumed work again. Our cafes are open, […]

2020 Community Building Partnership Projects Announced

Building Partnership Projects

By David Elliott MP The Baulkham Hills electorate has secured $299,911 in funding for a total of eight projects under the 2020 Community Building Partnership Program. The full list of successful projects includes: • Positive Vibes Foundations Ltd., awarded $17,000 to build a community garden with a shed and pergola, and installing airconditioning in the […]