Gremmo Homes
Hornsby comfy hips

Ad Design & Artwork Specs


  1. Ad sizes provided on Media Kit, click here to download a copy
  2. High Resolution File – in eps, pdf or ai format
  3. Images to be 300dpi at full print size
  4. All elements to be set up CMYK
  5. Ink coverage less than 280%
  6. No colour profiles required
  7. Marks and bleed no required unless you book a full page with bleed, then we require 5mm bleed and crop marks.

Creating Ads

Clients have the choice of supplying their own ads to our specifications or we provide a complimentary ad design service which is included in the cost of your advertising. We provide copyright of the ads we design for you, so you can use them elsewhere, ie on social media or on your own website.

Our sales team can help you design your ad if you need guidance.

What we need to create your ad

Clients have the choice of supplying their own ads to our specifications or we provide a complimentary ad design service which is included in the cost of your advertising. We provide copyright of the ads we design to you, so you can use them elsewhere, ie on social media or on your own website.

Ad Text – supplied in Word format – What you want to promote

Any Offer or Promotion – Customers love a special deal

Images – iphone images are perfect.  Just ensure you pick ‘large’ or ‘original’ size when emailing.

Your logo – we need a high resolution file of your logo.  This might be the same file you sent to your signwriter.

Approval  – remember quick responses to our proofs ensure we have time to do changes.


If you supply your ad to us print ready, then no proof will be sent. We recommend all ads are created by professional design software, ie Adobe Creative Suite. We cannot be held responsible for ads designed using non-professional software or using free fonts downloaded from the internet. When converting files to produce printing plates, non-commercial software can trigger unexpected results.

If we design the ad for you, then proofs will be sent for you to approve. We give 48 hours for proofs to be approved. Due to our tight print schedules, if you do not reply to our emails within 48 hours we will assume the proof is approved to print. We will however try to contact you by email if no response has been received.


Graphic Designer Ad Design

Graphic Designer

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