Galston Concerts Winning Formula
The Galston Concerts have scheduled another ‘best and brightest’ winning combination for Sunday 25 July in Galston Uniting Church: top-notch professionals plus young performers – a fast-rising local star included. The one-hour(ish) main concert, starting at 2 pm, features Three’s Company, Sydney-resident but international performers – at least in pre-COVID travelling years. Their soprano-clarinet-piano trio […]
Galston Concerts: Best to Book Soon!
Crowds are back for The Galston Concerts: a full house, a waitlist and others regretfully turned away for the concert by the Sydney Balalaika Orchestra in late May. Relaxed COVID Plan rules and growing public health confidence allowed a capacity audience to relax and enjoy the Balalaikans Russian flair. Book soon seems good advice for […]
The Galston Concerts…From Russia With
The Galston Concerts are up and running again following their successful restart of live performances in late March. Russian folk flair – in costume – will feature on Sunday 23 May, starting 2pm in the Galston Uniting Church, with a return by popular demand of the Sydney Balalaika Orchestra, a highlight of the concerts in […]
Castle Hill Art Society
ART DEMONSTRATION – Wednesday 5th May Julianne Ross Allcorn “Watercolour & Mixed Media on Board” Julianne Ross Allcorn has been a practicing artist and art teacher for over 20 years. She works on birchwood panels painting very detailed insects, birds, flora and fauna usually using pencil and watercolour. Come and learn from this fascinating style. […]
Castle Hill Players
BREEZY COMEDY KEEPS THE BALL ROLLING AT PAVILION THEATRE ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID FROM APRIL 9 to MAY 1 After the excitement and sell-out success of Things I Know to be True, Castle Hill Players’ keeps the fun coming in 2021 with a bright and breezy comedy: Always A Bridesmaid by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and […]