
Who Has A Pain In The Back?

Pain In The Back

Lower back pain is among the biggest burdens on our healthcare system. Over 80% of the population has had back pain at least once, and up to 85% of sufferers will have at least another recurrent episode in their lifetime. Fortunately, over 95% of lower back pain conditions are due to mechanical causes. This means […]

You Are The Gift. Share It!

You Are The Gift

Christmas will soon be here. While it can often make for the best of times, it can also make for some of the most stressful ones too. Many of us can feel down, overworked and frankly, exhausted leading up to this time of the year, taking its toll on our mental as well as our […]

Book Review – Property & Conveyancing Made Easy

Book Review

Property & You – By Paul McKenzie, ABS Conveyancing This book brings our experiences into a book, for lay people, wish to buy, sell or invest in the Australian property market. Many thanks to our publisher friends, Nims media. From practical tips to home improvements makeover ideas, the book comes alive, bringing insights and educational […]

Managing Overwhelm And Regaining Control

Managing Overwhelm

For many the uncertainty of 2020 has seen us over stretched, overwhelmed, and struggling to maintain a balanced life. With the new year, let’s make a promise to ourselves to make change and regain some control of our lives. The first step is setting boundaries and learning when it’s time to say no. We may […]

River Cares – Guest Speaker Aloma Fennell

River Cares invited Ms Aloma Fennell the President of the National Older Womens Network (NOWN) who advocates for the health, wellbeing and rights of older women and is also the voice for older women in key social and political discussions to be the guest speaker at a luncheon held in Spencer. Ms Fennell was warmly […]

Expecting A Quick Rebound

Quick Rebound

Carolyn Wheatley – Belle Property After a year none of us saw coming, it’s refreshing to see signs that the housing market is set to recover. Australia’s biggest home lender says house price falls so far during the pandemic have been surprisingly small and they are predicting a quick rebound. With the fall being less […]