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Small Business Month In Our Area

Dural and Round Corner Chamber of Commerce have been participating in Small Business month in our area with a message of “Buy Local”. Promotions are via Social media and displays in key businesses across our district. These promotions, designed to encourage patronage, will remind people that small business is open and looking forward to reconnecting with regular customers.

Over the past month, the Dural Chamber of Commerce has held a weekly information stand in Dural Mall . On these Thursday mornings, we have met many interesting people all with great stories to share about their businesses.

Wednesday 28th October, we held our Business Forum at Glenorie RSL, led by Angela Maguire from the “The Gap” Consulting focusing on three key areas.

Revisiting our business Plan, Our new ideal Customer and Value and Vision for the Future.

A big thank you to Donna, Steph and Tearo at Glenorie RSL allowing us to use their function room so everyone was Covid safe. They supplied great food and coffee after our forum and a $100 dinner voucher for the lucky card draw.

Thanks also to Thre3 Brothers Fresh at Dural Mall who have donated a magnificent box of fruit and veggies for our business card draw and for displaying some point of sale promotions for the ‘Shop Local’ campaign.

Similarly, thanks are also extended to Gary and the team at Wisemans Ferry Inn who embraced our project. A great traditional pub with great food well worth a Sunday drive to visit.

To Michael at LJ Hooker for allowing us to use the space in the mall for our info stands we also say thank you.

Silvia and her team at Dooral Early Learning Centre in Mid Dural we appreciate and thank you for being a key location for dropping off business cards and again embracing the small business campaign.

There is a beautiful hamper to be won donated by Silvia and the team at Dooral Early Learning Centre.

We will be doing the lucky draws Monday 16th November, so you still have some time to drop your business card into any of our four key locations.

From November, the Information Stand at Dural Mall will be held from 10am to 11am on the 2nd Thursday of each month. A JP service will be available at this time.

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