
Regenerating Australia Through Life-giving Soils

Hills 4 Climate Action is providing a series of community information evenings to help raise awareness of climate change issues. The next evening, on 4th August, explores the topic of regenerating the Australian landscape, and its relationship in helping us to achieve net zero carbon emissions. The Damon Gameau film “Regenerating Australia’ brings to life the hopes and dreams of real Australian for a greener, more vibrant community. Guest speaker Carolyn Hall from the Mulloon Institute explains transformational regenerative agriculture practices happening right now on our farms.

Healthy soil is important for nutrient dense food and for healthy ecosystems. Significant changes are now happening in agricultural practices not only with rehydrating drought-affected landscapes but also with learning how to store more carbon in the soil – carbon sequestration.

Soil-based carbon sequestration is about promoting practices that enable soil to store more carbon, improving soil health and food production, and also reducing the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere and adding to climate change.

Scientists have estimated that soils could sequester over a billion additional tons of carbon each year. This has led policymakers to increasingly look to soil-based carbon sequestration as a ‘negative emissions’ technology – one that removes CO2 from the air and stores it somewhere it can’t easily escape.

Arcadia resident Carolyn Hall is Chief Executive Officer with the Mulloon Institute, a globally recognised organisation in the field. Carolyn will explain how regenerative agriculture is supporting farmers to restore the function of their landscapes and build the quality of their soil. The audience will also learn that the co-benefit of this work is to replenish habitat for native species, restoring biodiversity and enabling soils to store more carbon.

The Damon Gameau film ‘Regenerating Australia’ is a short film by the creative team of the award winning film ‘2040’. It asks “What would Australia look like if we simply listened to the needs of its people?” it shows the impacts of landscapes coming to life when regenerative agricultures and reforestation programs combine with Indigenous knowledge and fire ecology to bring more people back on the land.

Hills 4 Climate Action and Cattai Hills Environment Network (CHEN) invite you to learn more at their next Community Information Evening, 7.00pm Thursday 4th August at the Rebellion Room, Castle Hill Cultural Centre. Tickets are $5.00 to cover costs of film screening, venue hire and supper, with additional (optional) $5.00 donation welcomed.

Register now using this QR code For more information contact: Kris Needham Ph: 0413 329 466 [email protected]

Pat Fedele