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Cinnamon Celebrates Its 2nd Birthday

Cinnamon started August 2020 selling European and Australian brands, we have now survived lockdown, being closed for 3 months and are bringing on new brands to suit all of our beautiful customers needs. Having missed our 1 year anniversary last year, we want to celebrate bigger than ever for our 2 year birthday. Mandy, Jenny […]

Cross Country Challenge

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Regenerating Australia Through Life-giving Soils

Hills 4 Climate Action is providing a series of community information evenings to help raise awareness of climate change issues. The next evening, on 4th August, explores the topic of regenerating the Australian landscape, and its relationship in helping us to achieve net zero carbon emissions. The Damon Gameau film “Regenerating Australia’ brings to life […]

Right Royal Riders

It is not every day that one cleans up at home and finds a retractable flag pole hiding out in a dark corner of the garage. As a long standing member of a Probus Club the finder gives it to the Management Committee to find a suitable recipient who currently might be looking for a […]

Clear Round Show Jumping Brought Clear Skies

Following what seemed like months of disruptive rain and following April’s Clear Round Show Jumping weather cancellation, Galston Equestrian Club (GEC) hosted their long-awaited Show Jumping Competition on Sunday 12 June 2022. The day dawned clear and bright with none of the windy and wild weather predicted. All classes were full to the brim of […]