
Mei Lin Meyers Queen’s Scout

On April 2 nd , Mei Lin Meyers, from 1 st Dural Scouts was presented with the Meyers Queen’s Scout award by Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales, as Chief Scout of New South Wales.

The Queen’s Scout is the highest award earned by Venturer Scouts and to achieve this prestigious award a Venturer must be able to set a goal; plan progress towards that goal; organise their self and others; and maintain the determination to overcome difficulties and complete the task.


They must also have achieved the Venturing Skills Award and complete the requirements in four award areas:

1. Adventurous Activities – demonstrates that the Venturer Scout is challenged in initiative, expeditions and outdoor adventure.

2. Community Involvement – activities centred on citizenship, community service and caring for the environment.

3. Leadership Development – involvement in Venturer Unit management and leadership courses and studying different vocations.

4. Personal Growth – self-development through expressions, ideals, mental pursuits and personal lifestyle.

Completion of the Queen's Scout Award is a major milestone in a Venturer’s Scouting journey and carries an outstanding reputation within Scouting and the community. Mei Lin is one of only 14 Venturers to achieve the award in NSW so far during 2022.

Dural Scout Group has vacancies for Girls and Boys from 6 to 25 years. Joeys (5yo),
Cubs (8yo), Scouts (12yo) and Venturers (16yo).
Please contact Group Leader Simon Edwards 0410 477 813 or
[email protected]

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