
Oakhill college Master Plan Begins

Oakhill College

Oakhill College is thrilled to announce FDC as the builders for our highly anticipated Innovation Hub. FDC Builders have extensive experience in the construction industry, combining a unique multi-disciplinary approach and knowledge which will bring a wealth of expertise to our Master Plan. Phase 1 of the construction is underway with the preparation of the […]

New Hope School Year 12 Class of 2021

New Hope School

BY CRAIG HINGSTON New Hope School, at Dural, is celebrating a historic achievement in 2021 with six students completing Year 12 and graduating to lives beyond the safety and care they have grown accustomed to. In the lead up to this momentous occasion the School, which is for children with intellectual delay or an Autism […]

Northholm Students Celebrate Virtual Book Week


Northholm Grammar Primary Years students embraced the opportunity to celebrate the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s (CBCA) annual Book Week despite this year’s remote learning restrictions. Since 1945, the CBCA has brought children and books together across the nation in a wonderful, inclusive week of events. Northholm’s Kindergarten to Year 6 students spent the week […]

Farewell Michael Smith, Hills Grammar Principal

Michael Smith

The Hills Grammar community bids farewell to a much loved and esteemed Principal, Michael Smith. Mr Smith served as Principal for almost five years after 17 years as Deputy Principal. From his first speech in 1999, Mr Smith identified how his values aligned so perfectly with those of the School. Hills Grammar’s celebration of diversity, as […]

Amelie Stuut Receives Top Recognition

Amelie Stuut

Galston High School’s Amelie Stuut has been acknowledged amongst the state’s most exceptional public education students, becoming a recipient of the 2021 NSW Minister’s Award for Student Achievement. The Minister’s Award for Excellence in Student Achievement considers achievement in the academic, sporting, cultural and leadership fields, commitment to the school community and personal values. Amelie, […]

Nutrition and Physical Activity in Teens During Lockdown


In Term 3 students from Hills Grammar’s PASS subject explored the connection between nutrition and physical activity and mental health during the lockdown. By studying this elective, students develop knowledge and understanding around the contribution of physical activity and sport to individual, community and societal wellbeing and enhance the participation and performance of themselves and […]

Galston High School – Book Week is Here!

Galston High School

Galston High School celebrated one of the high points of its school calendar, Book Week, in Week 7 (Monday 23-Friday 27 August) from home this year, but that will not make it any less fun! As always, Galston High School celebrates a culture of literacy and life-long reading through various activities and competitions every day […]

Books in A Time of Need: Galston High School Library to Your Doorstep

Galston High School Library to Your Doorstep

With Greater Sydney in lockdown and schools shifting to online learning, students at Galston High School have switched their schoolbooks for laptops and classrooms for Zoom calls. But one essential aspect of school is more challenging to substitute – the school library. To fill this gap, Galston High School’s library is offering a book delivery […]

Special Needs New Dural School Now Enrolling Yrs 1-12

New Dural School

Contributed by Craig Hingston Hope New Dural School has announced it is now accepting enrolments for children from Year 1 through to Year 12. The School, which caters for children with moderate intellectual delay or Autism Spectrum Disorder, had been enrolling from Years 3-12 since its inception in 2015. New Hope School was granted the […]

Northholm Grammar seeks to challenge every student to achieve their potential

Northholm Grammar

At Northholm Grammar, our educational philosophy is firmly based on the principal of academic intentionality with pastoral attentiveness. The Northholm School believes in raising academic expectations and grammar knowledge for all students in order to help them meet their potential, and recognises the importance of supporting their wellbeing and personal growth to meet these expectations. […]