
Funding for Galston Public School

Galston Public School

BY MATT KEAN Students at Galston Public School will benefit from upgrades to the bathrooms as part of the NSW Government schools COVID stimulus program. Member for Hornsby Matt Kean said the school will receive significant funding as part of the $120 million Metro Renewal Program with the Department of Education contributing 70% and the […]

Telecommunications: A Win for Berowra

BY JULIAN LEESER Thank you for all your support for our Telstra campaign to improve telecommunications in our community. As a result of our campaign the Minister for Communications announced $16.4 million for a program designed to help communities like ours, around the country. The Peri-Urban Mobile Program (PUMP) is dedicating funds towards the building […]

Mass Vaccination Centre Opens

Mass Vaccination Centre

BY DAVID ELLIOTT MP The mass vaccination centre at Sydney Olympic Park has opened. People aged 40-49 are invited to register their interest in receiving the Pfizer vaccine by visiting and will be contacted when a booking is available. People aged over 50 can book their AstraZeneca jab at the mass vaccination centre by […]

$300 Million Rouse Hill Hospital

Rouse Hill Hospital

BY RAY WILLIAMS The new site for the $300 million Rouse Hill Hospital is the north-eastern side of Windsor Road near Commercial Road, ensuring ideal transport and road links for Western Sydney’s growing population. The final site has better access and allows for more land use opportunities compared with the previously announced site, and has […]

Greenway Park Sportshouse Opening

Greenway Park Sportshouse

BY JULIAN LEESER Greenway Park Sportshouse is finally here! This is a long-awaited hub for our sporting codes and for the community. It is an incredible community project. Federal Member for Berowra Julian Leeser MP said the project, which is now complete, is a culmination of the work of so many people across six sporting […]

Northholm Student Selected for Art Express

Northholm Student

BY MATT KEAN Northholm Student Northholm student Beth Dewhurst has been selected as one of the top 2020 HSC Art students who will have her work showcased as part of ART EXPRESS. Member for Hornsby congratulated Beth who has excelled despite what was a challenging year for students. “Beth’s pictures of her and her brother […]

Small Business Rebate Scheme Kicks Off

Small Business

BY RAY WILLIAMS Small businesses are encouraged to sign up for a new $1500 rebate scheme to help cover the cost of NSW and local government fees and charges such as liquor licences, council rates, and registration fees. Businesses can claim the rebate against invoices that were paid and due from 1 March 2021 and […]

Hillside Public School Students’ Learning Enhanced By New Touch Screens

Hillside Public School

By Julian Leeser Hillside Public School has purchased 2 state-of-the-art 70” glass touch screen panels with the aid of a Local School Community Fund grant from the Australian Government. The touch screens have been installed in 2 classrooms and are a great addition to the school, enabling teachers to make lessons more interactive for students. […]

$276,631 For Inclusive Playspace At Box Hill

Covid-19 Support

By Ray Williams The Hills Shire will receive $276,631 towards a new inclusive playspace at Equinox Drive Box Hill, through the Everyone Can Play grants funding. The open space will feature a nature inspired theme and provide a range of facilities for a range of abilities such as: picnic and gathering areas, a turf kick-about […]

Saving Our Koalas

Saving Our Koalas

By Matt Kean Berowra local and PHD Student, Luke Silver, is part of a team of scientists at the University of Sydney working on ‘genetic sequencing’ to saving our Koalas. The program, a worldfirst, could help protect the Australian species from disease and other threats. Member for Hornsby and Minister for Environment Matt Kean said […]