ray white
james wallace

White Browed Scrub Wren


This small bird is generally found in pairs frequenting fairly dense and secluded undergrowth where both male and female birds have constructed their nest. Individually they will sometimes venture into the open to forage amongst leaf litter for small insects. White Browed

They appear to be quite accomplished at taking advantage of the colours of their surroundings to camouflage themselves, particularly when in an exposed situation. Although wary around the nesting site if disturbed by (human) intruders, at other times of the year it is possible to quietly approach where these birds are actively looking for food at ground level, which also includes small grass seeds.

This species has a range that extends from northern coastal areas of Queensland, through eastern NSW and southern Victoria to South Australia, as well as Tasmania. Regional differences in the colour of the plumage have been noted when comparing birds from differing parts of their range. Those featured here have all been photographed locally. They are around 100mm in length.

Because of their characteristics, White Browed Scrub Wrens offer those interested in observing and learning about the habits of birds, a reasonably easy opportunity to study their habits. Just a reminder to take binoculars and a camera with you.

Birdlife Australia has a phone and tablet app that features an extensive Field Guide that can assist in identifying local birds (including the White Browed Scrub Wren), that the bushwalking bird watcher may encounter on their journey into bushland reserves.

This year the “Aussie Backyard Bird Count” will be held during Bird Week from Monday, October 18 to Sunday, October 24.

For more information enter this web address into your browser https://aussiebirdcount.org.au

White Browed

Aussie Bathroom