
The Humble History Of The Granny Square


The story of the granny square goes back as early as the 1890s.

People would save scraps of yarn, unravelled from old sweaters, socks or whatever they could get. Nothing was thrown away. As the piles became bigger, they would make small squares which were then joined together to make blankets. Poor old granny was of no use around the house as she could not contribute to the manual labour, so she was given the job of joining them together. And so the name went into history. Thank goodness today’s grannies are considered more useful and not stuck in a corner on a rocking chair.

Granny Square

It seems incredible that I posted on the Glenhaven and Kenthurst community Facebook page, asking if anyone was interested in starting a crochet group. Less than 3 weeks later, we have 62 members and our very own Facebook page.

We make granny squares and join them together to make a blanket to be given to someone within our community who has been nominated to receive one. It can be anyone dealing with some sort of trauma, illness, a loss of a loved one, loneliness or just not coping right now.

Kenthurst Pharmacy and Glenhaven physiotherapist on Old Northern Rd has very kindly accepted to be a pickup/drop off place for anyone to leave granny squares or donated yarn.

Our squares are any pattern as long as it is 14cm x 14cm or the simple granny square of 5 rows. We will then add a 6th row of the same colour, so it is easier to join.

We are currently working on a blanket, and another nominated one is ready to start. The enthusiasm of our beautiful community is incredible. We have a granny library for future blankets.

If you would like to nominate someone to receive one of our blankets, please message me through our Facebook page Glenhaven and Kenthurst Loveable Squares.

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