
Rotary Club of Kenthurst

Supporting Rotary’s commitment to youth, Kenthurst Rotary proudly sponsored two students from Galston High to attend an action-packed weekend in February at RYPEN Summer Camp.

Abigail Storrie and Kai Brown both attended. 51 Year 10 students from across Sydney took part in the weekend. Kai was one of four that was awarded a ‘gnome award’ for growth over the course of the program.

Top Cop, Gary Raymond honoured the club as guest speaker in February. Gary kept us on the edge of our seats with stories and escapades from his time in the NSW Police Force and Police Rescue Squad.

It was very touching when he spoke about the enduring relationships, he has built with many of the families who have lost loved ones or were involved in incidents he attended over his 33 years of service.

Copies of his book “Top Cop” were available with all proceeds going to Suicide Prevention. A truly inspirational individual.

Rotary Club of Kenthurst - RYPEN Summer Camp

The first meeting at our new venue was held recently. We celebrated with cheese, biscuits, and wine. A session on Shelterbox proved very interesting.

Our new meeting venue is Uniting Church Hall, 116B Kenthurst Road (cnr Jones Road), Kenthurst. ‘The Real Risk of Getting Hacked’ was the topic for our guest speaker recently.

Rob Lea spoke of his experiences of dealing with the aftermath and fighting cyber-crime. It was an interesting evening.

Refurbish Group--