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Parramatta Hills Group of APS

Saturday 23 April 2pm -4pm.
Bushwalk At Vineyard Creek Reserve Dundas.

We will explore the upper valley of Vineyard Creek, a tributary of the Parramatta River. The creek is named for the vineyard which was established at its junction with the Parramatta River by Phillip Schaeffer in1790.


Where we will be walking is not country for planting grape vines. Be prepared for a steep walk down to a hidden fern gully and then an easier walk to the dam created to provide water for the Oatlands Golf Course. Below the dam the walk is among tall trees – blackbutts, angophoras, bloodwoods and turpentines – in a beautiful shady valley. Some of the more interesting understorey plants include Trachymene incisa and Astroloma humifusum.

Meet at the entrance to the Reserve in Robert St Telopea.

Further information [email protected]

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