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Northholm Grammar’s Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Program Connecting Students to the World Beyond School

Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education has never been more important. Growing youth populations, coupled with rising youth unemployment in many countries, is putting greater emphasis on job creation and enterprising behaviour within job roles. Through entrepreneurship activities, students can gain key entrepreneurial skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, risktaking and teamwork.

Northholm Grammar

Northholm Grammar believes that it is important to equip our students with the skills and mindset they need to navigate a world of work that we cannot yet envisage. As part of Northholm’s Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Program, our Year 10 Students complete three key modules:

Module 1: Ready for Work which involved a series of sessions to develop skills needed when applying for a job: including preparing a CV, cover letter and practicing interview skills.

Module 2: Financial Literacy learning about the financial obligations associated with earning an income, including income taxation and superannuation.

Module 3: Foundation of Thinking with the renowned world expert neuroscientist and educator Dr Jared Cooney Horvath. The module aims to teach students the fundamentals of metacognition and neuroscience to help increase students’ understanding of the foundations of thinking, learning, memory and metacognition, empowering them to explore their own thinking and learning processes. It allows students to grow into life-learners and cultivates a metacognitive culture both in the classroom and in the school as a whole.

The Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Program provides an exciting opportunity to introduce students to a myriad of important life skills, the world of work and enterprise skills. Students meet with and learn from presenters who are leaders in business and in the community. The program aims to build an understanding of what it means to be entrepreneurial and to develop the knowledge and skills needed to think and work critically and creatively. The experience helps students better understanding themselves and prepare for the future.

Northholm Grammar is enrolling now for 2023 and 2024. For more information, please visit our website or contact our Head of Enrolments on 9656 2000.

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