Bluetongue Landscapes & Concreting
Able Liquid Waste (1)

Cherrybrook Residents Unite To Effect Change


Recently, the strength of a united 16 Cherrybrook resident voice became the catalyst for shaping change. These residents raised concerns and requested action due to difficulties using a 200 metre unpaved grass path on New Line Road, Cherrybrook, between Franklin Road and the County Drive intersection.

So, what is stopping Hornsby Council from providing this much needed paved footpath? New Line Road is a State Road under the jurisdiction of Transport for NSW who advised, in November 2023, that the New Line Road project is deferred for 2 years.

Therefore, Council cannot proceed with additional footway works until a safe crossing of New Line Road has been provided by State Government.

In December, 2023, at the Council General meeting, a Cherrybrook resident group representative supported my motion for Council to investigate construction of their much needed Cherrybrook paved footpath.

My motion requested a report on the outcomes of the investigation and discussions with Transport for NSW, for consideration of inclusion in Council’s Delivery Program/Operational Plan 2024/25. The motion was accepted unanimously.

If you have any concerns or issues where I may assist, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

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