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New Ideas for 2023

Welcome to 2023! Let’s hope it’s a hugely better year than the last few have been for most of us. Are you planning on doing new things in 2023 like adding a new product or service, or moving to a commercial premises? Adding anything to your business, please remember to seek help if it is something you haven’t done before!

For example, I regularly see people caught out on commercial leases because they’ve gone to the real estate market, found a seemingly suitable place, the real estate’s gone yeah, it’s all good… and then it all turns bad.

I’ve had a new client contact me with these type of issues and they’re over $100,000 down before even opening, because of ‘unforeseen’ issues, most of which I could have warned him about BEFORE taking up the lease.

Often you make assumptions – the premises has been there, surely it’s ok to operate the same business there? Well not if it never had approval. You’re technically running an illegal activity. If you had a fire for instance, your insurance would be null and void.

This is merely an example. Apply this to everything you do, whether it’s engaging a website designer, hiring a new employee, whatever. If you need support, please reach out to services like NSW Government funded Business Connect (I’m an advisor), as we can make sure you know what or where to look for issues. Look up Business Connect Advisors or email me: [email protected] Here’s to a brilliant 2023.

– JANE TWEEDY, 0490 102 194
Western Sydney Business Centre
[email protected]

Aussie Bathroom