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Metro Renewal Funding

By David Elliott MP
Baulkham Hills High School and Jasper Road Public School are set to receive new and improved school facilities as part of the NSW Government’s $120 million Metro Renewal Program.

The funding package will include a $350,000 toilet upgrade at Jasper Road Public School and a $600,000 science lab upgrade at Baulkham Hills High School. Where possible, schools will use local contractors and suppliers. Delivery of these projects will be undertaken within the next 18 months.

CAREER REVOLUTION – Students, graduates and adults looking to turbocharge their careers will have access to tailored career advice through the establishment of Careers NSW. The bold initiative by the NSW Government is an Australian first and will drive the State’s COVID-19 recovery by ensuring every worker and student has access to careers advice regardless of their job, experience or education.

Careers NSW will provide a wrap-around service to not only connect people to accessible and quality careers guidance but to advise on educational pathways and qualifications that exist to match people to the skills they need to be employed faster.

A pilot of Careers NSW will begin online through Service NSW later this year with a full rollout expected in mid-2022. For more information, visit www.service.nsw.gov.au/careers-nsw.

SMALL BUSINESS REBATE SCHEME – The Small Business Fees and Charges Rebate will be available via Service NSW in early April and will run until 30 June 2022. The scheme will allow eligible small businesses to draw down on a $1,500 credit to offset the cost of eligible NSW and local government fees and charges.

More information, including the program guidelines, are available at www.service.nsw.gov.au/small-business-fees-andcharges-rebate

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Metro Renewal

Metro Renewal

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