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Balmoral homes

Joyful return to School


This week saw school students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 12 return to learning on campus and it was such a joyful occasion for students and parents alike.

Backpacks heavy with books, shiny shoes and colourful face masks were a very welcome sight at classes across our local community.

Arden Anglican School adorned both their Junior Campus in Beecroft and Secondary Campus in Epping with ‘welcome back’ banners and teachers decorated their classrooms to celebrate the return of students following the COVID-19 lockdown.

“We had music playing in the street as our children arrived with their parents” explained Mr Watkins, Head of Junior School, “and it created such a wonderful atmosphere. Everyone was so happy – students, teachers and especially the parents” he added.

“Our eldest students have embraced these extra few weeks with great enthusiasm” added the Head of Senior School, Mr Simon Przydacz. “We are so pleased that we can help them focus on their remaining time and that they have the opportunity to be with their cohort again before the Higher School Certificate commences”.

“We have been praised by parents for an exceptional online learning program which has been delivered using Microsoft Team during the pandemic” explained Mr Watkins “but there is nothing like having our students on campus” he added.

Arden recently announced the appointment of their new Principal, Mr Justin Beckett, who will commence in 2022 – Arden’s Centenary year. Mr Beckett, who is the current Principal at Trinity Anglican College in Albury, will commence his headship at Arden in January next year with the enthusiastic support of the School Community.

Enrolling now for 2023 and beyond. Limited places in Year 5 in 2022.

39‑43 Wongala Cres Beecroft, NSW 2119
+612 9484 1146

6B Essex St Epping, NSW 2121
+612 9484 1146


A Noble Arborist