Trees Down Under

Hidden In The Hills Seville Reserve And Hunts Creek

By Lachlan Turner

Hunts Creek starts near the intersection of Jenkins and Parklands Roads, Carlingford. It flows through bushland landscapes adjacent to the residential areas of Carlingford and North Rocks eventually entering the upper reaches of Lake Parramatta.

Seville Reserve is bounded by Cambridge and Plymouth Avenues, and Tallwood Drive, North Rocks. It also adjoins property owned by the Kings School’s northern boundary. Hunts Creek is also accessible from this Reserve.

It is possible to walk the entire length of Hunts Creek, eventually ending up at the dam wall of Lake Parramatta. One section of the bushland track passes through the northern section of the Kings School property. A map of walks in this area is available on the Parramatta City Council web site by entering details in the search box of their home page.

Other main access points are at Northam Drive and Bettington Road / Statham Avenue.

The track bewteen Parklands Road and Northam Drive can be a loop or circuit track by walking downstream on one track and walking upstream on an adjacent track. Some tracks in the section as far as Bettington Road have been concreted for the use of cyclists.

The range of bushland habitat and landscape types is considerable. Open forest, scrubby habitat and rocky outcrops along with an original stone bridge and an impressive small waterfall, add to the interest of this diverse and interesting bushland walking track.

Although now outside the Hills Shire Council Area, the area is a popular destination for those living in the vicinity. Parking is available at both ends of the track. Unless you have transport when reaching the end of the walk, the return trip is on foot retracing your steps to your starting point.

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