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Click and Collect Your Free Plants

Hills residents can now pre-order their four free plants per year online from The Hills Shire Council’s Bidjiwong Community Nursery.

The plans are able to be picked up contact-free at the nursery entrance at the allocated time.

To secure your plants, please visit Council’s website Council’s Bidjiwong Community Nursery does incredible work for the environment, producing around 60,000 native plants a year for our residents and for projects like Equinox Drive Reserve and Kellyville Park.

Many of the plants are also local to the Hills Shire, which makes them suitable for our conditions, soil and local wildlife. When the plants grow, they also provide a great shade canopy for residents and the community.

Free Plants

Many of the plants are also local to the Hills Shire, which makes them suitable for our conditions, soil and local wildlife. When the plants grow, they also provide a great shade canopy for residents and the community.