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Guests Welcome at Kenthurst Probus Club

“Aussie Ballads and Bush poetry” was the very enjoyable presentation by Graham Simms, to the Kenthurst Probus Club on April 15th.

Graham, pictured, is a former high school teacher, and a poet himself. His talk was well received by members and guests.

Guests Welcome at Kenthurst Probus Club

Recently, a busload of Club members enjoyed a tour of the Snowy Mountains area, based in Jindabyne accomodations. This month’s Club activities include a concert in the City Town Hall, a regular walking group, a visit to the Western Sydney Airport site, and various theatre experiences.

On Monday the 20th of May Kenthurst Probus will hear one of the Club members, Barbara Roberts, speaking about her experiences in Mianmar as a Nurse Specialist assisting Dr. Fred Hollows.

Kenthurst Probus meets 3rd Monday of every month (except Dec) 9.30am Kenthurst Uniting Church. Membership Director Burt Stuut 9652 1239. Guests are always welcome! Just turn up on the day!

Modern Generation