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Galston High School – Book Week is Here!

Galston High School celebrated one of the high points of its school calendar, Book Week, in Week 7 (Monday 23-Friday 27 August) from home this year, but that will not make it any less fun!

As always, Galston High School celebrates a culture of literacy and life-long reading through various activities and competitions every day of Book Week, with prizes and house point up for grabs.

Activities have been moved to an online format that students can do at any time to accommodate learning from home. Activities and competitions include “My Reading Spot Monday” in which student’s snap a photo of a unique way of reading; “Transfiguration Tuesday” in which students get in the costume of a favourite book character; “Where in the World Wednesday” in which students test their knowledge in an online competition to name the settings of a variety of novels; “Trivia Thursday” in which students match wits and reflexes in a Kahoot! and, finally, “Bookface Friday” in which students manipulate covers of novels into a photo mash-up!

A highlight of Book Week for 2021 is A Literary Lockdown, a live Zoom chat between 50 students and five leading Australian Young Adult authors: Will Kostakis, Claire Zorn, AJ Betts, Wai Chim and Alison Evans. During this chat, students will be able to ask authors to share their insights into all things literary in contemporary young adult writing.

Galston High School’s Teacher Librarian made a special promo for Book Week to build the excitement, which can be viewed on the school website: