
On April 20, 1922, an organising committee for the Country Women’s Association CWA of NSW was formed.

“These women were initiators, fighters, and lobbyists, who were passionate about making rural and regional NSW better for those who lived there.

For 100 years the members of the CWA of NSW have continued the legacy of those trail-blazing foundation members by improving the social, educational, recreational, and medical realities for their communities,” said Stephanie Stanhope, CWA of NSW President.

The Country Women Association has evolved in so many different ways in the past 100 years to remain as active and relevant today as it was when Grace Munro, founder and first state president, mobilised members to save women and children dying because of lack of maternity care in rural hospitals.

We are so proud to celebrate the Country Women’s Association of NSW centenary this year and be part of a legacy that continues to positively contribute to local and regional communities in so many different ways.

Take a drive around our beautiful neighbourhood and you will see that many of the roads are named after the earliest farming families whose second and third generations established the Country Women Association branch in Galston. These women were affected by issues such as transport, health access, and isolation. The inauguration of CWA Galston in 1958 was met with great enthusiasm.

Please join us in 2022 as we celebrate a century of service and activism, but more importantly join us to engage with other likeminded women and continue the tradition of improving the lives of women and families locally and right across the state. Come and meet the quiet army behind the tea and scones – second Wednesday of each month.

Meeting details for 2022 will be posted on our Facebook page, or for more information please contact Jann 0439 222 217 or Pam 02 9653 1036. | [email protected]