80th Anniversary – Bombing of Darwin Day
David Elliott Mp Member For Baulkham Hills As Minister for Veterans, it was a great honour to represent NSW Veterans in Darwin Day for the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the bombing of Darwin. The air raid on 19 February 1942 was the largest single attack ever mounted by a foreign power on Australia. […]
Electric Vehicles Charge Ahead With $35 Million Construction Grants
Electric vehicle (EV) drivers are set to benefit from the most extensive charging network in the country, with the $35 million first round of co-funding to build ultra-fast chargers across NSW opening today. Treasurer Matt Kean said the first round of construction grants form part of a total charging infrastructure program of $171 million over […]
New Online Safety Laws Come Into Effect
By Julian Leeser As a parent, I worry about the safety of kids online. I worry about online predators, and I worry about the adverse mental health and other effects of kids spending too much time online. That’s why I’m delighted that our government has made changes to the online safety environment which have recently […]
100 Million Rapid Antigen Tests Secured
By Ray Williams The second 50 million of the 100 million Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) procured by the NSW Government, is scheduled for delivery from now into March. These tests will support the NSW public sector workforce, support our return to school plan and provide support to those most in need. The boost to NSW’s […]
Don’t Delay, Get Your Booster Today!
By Matt Kean A few days ago, I was pleased to roll up my sleeve and get your booster shot. As we continue to face the COVID-19 pandemic vaccination is the key to protecting you and your loved ones from getting seriously sick from the virus. The community of Hornsby was amazing last year with […]
On Australia Day – David Elliott MP
On Australia Day I joined veterans and volunteers from the RSL Castle Hill sub-branch at the Castlebrook Memorial Park at their annual Flag Planting commemorative event. Sub-branch member Mike Lee established this ceremony in 2007 on Australia Day as a way to remember those who had served their country. This event is an excellent way […]
$400,000 Christmas “Boost” to Community
By Ray Williams The Castle Hill electorate secured $400,000 in funding for a total of 26 projects through the NSW Government’s 2021 Community Building Partnership Program. This funding will help deliver improvements to local facilities and help create a more vibrant and inclusive local community. Congratulations to the successful applicants. 1st Castle Hill Scouts, 1st […]
Australia’s Net Zero Target by 2050
By Julian Leeser The Morrison Government has recently announced our plan for net zero emissions by 2050. As part of that plan, the Government is investing $20 billion in low emissions technologies, which are expected to further unlock at least $80 billion in private sector investment over the next decade in technologies like clean hydrogen, […]
Hornsby Recyclers Raise $10k for Women’s Shelter
By Matt Kean Local recyclers have helped Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter raise more than $10,000 by donating their refunds when they return their bottles and cans with Return and Earn. Member for Hornsby and Minister for Environment Matt Kean said the shelter is one of the most important community organisations in Hornsby, giving a home […]
David Elliott MP – Member For Baulkham Hills
ACCESSING MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES New English and Mathematics syllabuses for the State’s youngest students has been released, marking a major milestone in the NSW Government’s Curriculum Reform Agenda. The new K-2 syllabus will include: • Simple, concise language which identifies key knowledge and skills • Clear expectations on student reading progression • Renewed focus on […]