
Benjamin Caswell – Your Local Independent


I’m Benjamin Caswell and I’m running as an independent for this upcoming Federal election.

I decided to run as an independent because I love the community that exists in the Berowra electorate and believe the community deserves the best representation possible. Running as an independent means I’m not beholden to vote on party lines but on community interests. Unlike some parties, MPs can be expelled if they don’t vote how the head office wants them to.

Benjamin Caswell

To me, serving as your local member would be the highest honour as there is no greater role then helping others and representing them. I currently serve through various groups in the community in a volunteer capacity. This has seen me help organise events such as the two recent fairs in Berowra and assist at local markets and community BBQs. I’m also involved in charity events to help raise funds for noble causes locally and nationally.

I want to bring back integrity to politics and bring back leadership that has been sorely missing these past few years. It’s time for Berowra to make a change for the better and hope you would consider a vote for an independent in this upcoming election.

Scott and Sons