ear studio

Know Your Options in Community Care

Community Care

Knowing your options when it comes to an elderly relative or yourself can be very difficult. What are your options when you notice that you or your loved one are no longer coping at home? Community Care  Community Care packages are often part of the answer; however, they can be challenging to get, and they […]

Ten Tips to Look After Your Wellbeing During This Pandemic

Your Wellbeing

Once upon a time, this question may have been answered with statements like ‘I get a regular massage’, or ‘I have time out from my family and go out with friends. However, currently, these options are not possible. Your Wellbeing After being under the stay at home orders for some weeks now, most of us […]

Covid No Hindrance to Community Service

Community Service

By Craig Hingston Community Service Mission, and community service, are a foundational part of our culture at Pacific Hills which is why we are keen to continue is despite lockdown and social distancing. Residents of Anglicare’s Flinders Village enjoyed a unique experience when they “met with” our Year 5 and 6 students and Principal, Dr […]

Olympic Games inspire Northholm students during challenging times


As nations around the world, including Australia, continue to wrestle with the challenges of the COVID- 19 pandemics, the Olympics last month provided Northholm Grammar students, teachers and families with a great opportunity to marvel at the rich talents and competitiveness of our countrymen and countrywomen. There are many attitudes and practices associated with the […]

Residential Strata Properties and Pets


Recent changes to the Strata Act legislation, prevents Strata Schemes with the Owners Corporate and manager, from un-reasonably refuse consent for a Pet. What is reasonable or unreasonable? Under Section 137 recent changes, Strata Scheme cannot have a bylaw to ban all pets. The Strata Scheme can now, only refuse written consent for a pet, […]

Get those Lawns Ready……it is Warming Up

Now that the weather is warming up and we move to our outdoor areas, it’s the perfect time to take a good look at our lawns.

Now that the weather is warming up and we move to our outdoor areas, it’s the perfect time to take a good look at our lawns. There is no better feeling than soft grass under your feet especially when it is green and weed-free. Whether the children are playing on the lawn or you are […]