
View Clubs Call on Volunteers to Reconnect With Community After a Challenging Year

By Helen Harte
Galston VIEW Club is calling on members of the community to consider volunteering for children’s education charity, The Smith Family, as part of National Volunteer Week (16-22 May).

VIEW (Voice, Interests and Education of Women) is a leading women’s organisation with close to 300 clubs across Australia, all dedicated to supporting children in need with their education through The Smith Family. Members do this through community fundraising, spreading awareness, and volunteering.

One of the key themes for National Volunteer Week this year is about bringing people together through volunteering, which Galston] Club President Lesley Cady] said is more important than ever before. Last year, COVID meant we couldn’t have that hands-on connection with the community, which was really hard for a lot of people. Volunteering is a great way to get back out there, make friends, and feel like you’re really making a difference to the lives of young people and their families.

Members of Galston VIEW Club volunteer for The Smith Family by raising funds ie Raffles, Fashion parades. There are many opportunities for people to help out.

We are always looking for women to join us in supporting The Smith Family and we’d encourage anyone interested to get in touch and come along to our next meeting to learn more about VIEW.

If you are interested in finding out more about Galston VIEW Club contact Merle 9634 2378 or visit

View Club