
Rotary Club of West Pennant Hills & Cherrybrook

Trivia Night at Rotary ClubSeptember News

Our well-attended Trivia Night at the Cherrybrook Community Centre was great fun and fellowship. Quiz master Robert Bredin did a fabulous job. All proceeds will go to RuffTRACK and other Rotary charities.

Members from our Club travelled to assist at the Entrance Club busking competition, in conjunction with the Erina Club. Musicians of all ages, skill levels and genres performed and were judged by three judges and also a popular public vote. A great time was had by all.

The Club hosted Years 9 and 10 students from Coonabarabran when they attended ‘The Science Experience’ at Macquarie University. The students engaged in a wide range of fascinating activities under the guidance of scientists.

Upcoming Events

Our Club will be running a BBQ and cake stall at Bunnings Castle Hill on Saturday 26 October.

Rotary’s ‘Trees of Joy’ will be up at Cherrybrook Village Shopping Centre and Westleigh Village Shopping Centre from 4 November until 10 December. 

The Tree of Joy program is our largest charity activity, with over 1,000 children receiving Christmas presents that they otherwise would not receive. Visit our trees to select a bauble and help put some joy into Christmas for those less fortunate.

On Sunday 1 December our Club will be holding a Christmas Market from 9am-3pm at the Rural Fire Services/Girl Guides site, corner Shepherds and Macquarie Drive, Cherrybrook. Lots of food, drinks, cakes, craft, plants and good Christmas shopping. For more information and if you would like to hire a stall then go to the following website:

If you would like to know more about Rotary, be involved or join us for dinner please call 0412 064 336.
Rotary Club of West Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook