
Traffic Issues (7) Kenthurst/Dural/Round Corner

By Stefanie Visser
I have read with interest the article in the Kenthurst Community News this month. I am so glad that the traffic issues we are all having in this area, are getting more and more addressed within the community.

Not quite “A current Affair” yet, but baby steps in the right direction.

Picking up where I left off:
• Remember the “Behavioural Insight” program a member of the community alerted me too? Well, I have been informed that our Council was involved in with a program that encouraged walking to school, which was run by school parents.

There was initial interest from 5 local schools, but it relies heavily on parent volunteers, so it has stopped operating. Council also funds annual improvements to footpaths, crossings, pedestrian refuges etc to improve safety and access to schools by walking or cycling.

I have requested a list of such in our area of interest. Because as far as I know, there are not even continuous footpaths along Annangrove Road.

• Harris Farm DA is being assessed.

• Dural Village Development: Federal and State funding has been allocated for the “potential upgrade of New Line Road”.

• Continuous Development Box Hill/Nelson (see also above mentioned article in the KCN, March issue):

Council is working “towards developing designs” to upgrade the intersections Withers/Annangrove Rd, Edwards Rd/Annangrove Rd as well as sections of Annangrove Road. -> Since this Growth Corridor has been planned 60 years ago (according to our Member for Castle Hill), the “developing of designs to upgrade” those major intersections / thoroughfares is probably 60 years too late?

In the meantime: ROUNDABOUTS! Do you know the rules?

Roundabouts manage the traffic flow at intersections. They move traffic in one direction around a central island. Vehicles can turn left or right, go straight ahead, or make a full turn (U-turn).

When you approach a roundabout, you must slow down or stop to give way to all vehicles already in the roundabout. This means giving way to vehicles already in the roundabout on your right, and vehicles that have entered the roundabout from your left or from directly opposite you.

So other drivers know what you intend to do, you must indicate when turning at a roundabout. Continue to indicate as you turn. When you leave, you must indicate left, if practical. Stop indicating as soon as you have left the roundabout.

On multi-lane roundabouts, you must follow the direction of the arrows or signs on the road. ( users_handbook-english.pdf)

Does this mean, that you have to stop at a roundabout, because someone might be approaching from the right? No, in that case it would be an intersection with a STOP sign.

This occurs daily from Kenthurst Rd into direction of Round Corner: approach, stand still and wait for the cars coming up from Annangrove Road. Unless someone is already in the roundabout, you can go!

Have a wonderful Easter Everyone Suggestions, Feedback, Ideas? [email protected]

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