
The Greatest World’s Shave

World’s ShaveBy Mark Bernard
The Greatest World’s Shave With so many of us today having been affected in one way or another by some form of cancer, be it personally or somebody we know, it’s hard to ignore the fact that we need to do everything we can to help find a cure for this terrible disease.

Early last year it was my family’s turn, with my 20yo nephew being diagnosed with lymphoma. This for me was the first time I saw up close the horrible effects not only the disease itself has on a loved one, but also how challenging the treatment and recovery can be.

To see a young, fit man have such a traumatic experience was something that made me realise that this disease does not discriminate, no matter your age, gender or background.

Thankfully he has now made a full recovery, but the impact it has had on him and our family will be long lasting. For this reason, I decided I needed to do something to support the families who go through this and help in the fight to find a cure.

Greatest ShaveIn partnership with L’Yvonne’s Hair & Body and Medical Centre At Round Corner, on Wednesday the 17th of March I participated in The World’s

Greatest Shave by colouring my hair (I’m now a platinum blonde). With some amazing support from friends, family and the local community, we were able to raise over $2,500 for the Leukaemia Foundation, helping to rid the world from blood cancer!

I personally had a lot of fun doing this and was touched by the amount of support. I encourage everyone who can to get involved, be it with the World’s Greatest Shave or another charity organisation, helping raise vital funds to support families and help find a cure!

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