
Local crew’s 10th year at Tamworth

Every January, when the sun is at its hottest, thousands of country music-loving people make the pilgrimage to the Australian country town of Tamworth for the Toyota Country Music Festival which runs over 10 days. 

The heat of over 40°C and the flies are no deterrent as the festival, presented by Tamworth Regional Council, is now in its 52nd year and is recognised as the second biggest country music festival in the world, after the CMA Music Festival in Nashville USA. The town comes alive with ticketed and free shows alike, and buskers line the main streets. 

Galston based Live Event Services has been providing design and management for the past ten Golden Guitar Award ceremonies.  The crew made the five-hour drive in three semi-trailers: one predominantly lighting, one audio and vision, one LED screens, and a van full of camera gear. 

The awards show is mostly live, with no pre-recorded music other than click track. The team worked closely with Brendan Radford, the Musical Director. Rehearsals start Friday morning as early as possible, as it takes two days to rehearse the awards that go live on Saturday night.

“This is our 10th consecutive year providing production and management for the awards and concerts held at TRECC,” remarked Colin. “We are very proud of our involvement in bringing the awards to life. 

Producer for the Golden Guitar Awards is industry veteran Peter Ross who commented, “Thank you, Colin. A huge thank you and congratulations to you and the team for doing a brilliant job of delivering the vision. You have some outstanding passionate, professional and great to work with people in the team.”
