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Top Teamwork for Galston Concerts

Top Teamwork for Galston Concerts

After a stellar harp recital in May the Galston Concerts look ahead to other popular programs: Strings 23 July, Winds 10 September and Grand Piano on 5 November.

Their secret to success? Teamwork – artistic oversight mapping out the year, top-notch musicians keen to perform, an excellent admin team and … you – because a concert’s only a concert when there’s an audience!

Galston Uniting Church is a key ingredient: clean, comfortable, a bushland setting down School Road, with ample free off-street parking. GUC’s 7-foot concert grand piano, fine restored heritage pipe organ enjoy an acoustic especially appropriate to live unamplified) music. Sunshine streaming through modern stained-glass windows adds special magic.

The GUC office team of Elizabeth Garlick and Kathleen Michael keep the church and concerts running smoothly while the artistic oversight comes from former Galston residents, Rob Harris and Dorit Herskovits, now living in the Hunter Valley but always keen to return to Galston for the concerts, now in their tenth year. 

Rob acknowledges the ‘benchmark’ support of local media: “The local monthlies Dooral Roundup and Galston News are perennial partners in promotion so that’s a big ‘Thank You’ from the concerts team”.

“Most important of all? Our audience. It’s great to see our fans sharing the news, bringing friends and family along to concerts. Yet there’s scope for growth, with FREE tickets for 12-and-unders and $10 tickets for high school or uni students deserving better attendance – especially since every program offers not only leading professionals but also their prize-winner proteges”.

The Galston afternoons start with organ preludes at 1.30 pm before main concerts 2 till 3ish. Book in the month prior to each event on (search Galston) or by phone to Galston Uniting office on 9653 2039 or to Rob Harris on 0428 248 348.