
The Next Generation of Duke of ED

Galston High School has a long association with the Duke of Edinburgh Award, having guided countless students through the program to unlock their personal best.

Duke of Ed is a regular and popular feature of the school’s extracurricular activities bringing students together to challenge themselves in new and exciting ways.
The next generation of Galston High School’s Duke of Ed participants has now started their own journey to greatness and a Bronze Award. Year 9 Duke of Ed participants recently set off on their first of two adventurous journeys, undertaking an overnight practice journey from Sunday 5th to Monday 6th June.

During their practice journey, Year 9 students hiked part of the Great North Walk, camping overnight and carrying everything they needed for the two days. More than just a navigation and field craft exercise, there was a lot of learning about themselves and how to work as a group to achieve a goal.

The Duke of Ed program is more than just outdoor skills, however: to achieve an Award, each young person must learn a skill, improve their physical well-being, volunteer in their community and experience a team adventure in a new environment. The Award is offered at three levels – Bronze, Silver, and Gold – each progressively more challenging.

In keeping with Galston High School‘s values of respect, responsibility and personal best and commitment to community engagement, Duke of Ed participants:

  • are empowered to achieve their personal best,
  • learn to take responsibility for their goals and choices,
  • become connected to and actively engaged within their immediate community,
  • make a real difference to society through their positive contributions and involvement,
  • learn to persevere and overcome barriers to success
  • learn important life skills,
  • increase their career opportunities.

Galston High School congratulates its latest Duke of Ed participants on their first adventurous journey!

Duke of Ed
