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Trees Down Under

The Challenges Of Student Leadership

Left to right – Isabelle Davies, Max Fader, Talia Apostolatos, Andy Ward, Amelia Grindley, Charlie Johnson.

Northholm Grammar believes in helping young people to find purpose in their lives and become positive influences in the world. The School gives students the chance to discover and develop their leadership potential throughout their school life. During Term 3, Year 10 and Year 11 students have the opportunity to apply for the leadership roles of School Captains, School Prefects and House Captains. The Leadership Investiture, held recently at the commencement of Term 4, formally acknowledged the 2020-2021 Leaders in their roles.

Captains: Tyler Old and Ethan Reiss
Senior Prefects: Olivia Charlton and Joseph Clemmit
School Prefects: Mitchell Black, Niamh Cassar, Piper Elsley, Tharshan Moodley, Faith Trestrail, Maxwell Williams
Capell House Captains: Lucy Coad and Pari Shah
Lincoln House Captains: Brianna Cusick and Laura Jones
Patteson House Captains: Harrison Eastwood and Caitlin Stebbins
Rowland House Captains: Amber Garth and Annabel Part
Primary Years Captains: Talia Apostolatos and Andy Ward
Capell Primary House Captain: Amelia Grindley
Lincoln Primary House Captain: Max Fader
Patteson Primary House Captain: Isabelle Davies
Rowland Primary House Captain: Charlie Johnson

Back, left to right – Brianna Cusick, Laura Jones, Harrison Eastwood, Caitlin
Stebbins. Front, left to right – Amber Garth, Annabel Part, Lucy Coad, Pari Shah.

During the course of the year, these students take part in a Leadership Development Program, which will provide them with the opportunity to meet regularly, work collaboratively and develop a greater understanding on the key elements of strong leadership. The Leadership System at Northholm Grammar is an inclusive model that allows students to achieve recognition for the high standards of leadership they have already displayed and to show that they have the capacity to grow further.

To be able to face a variety of challenges at different levels, Northholm graduates need to learn and master leadership skills of self-awareness to understand the impact of their behaviour on school outcomes, communication to effectively communicate goals and inspire trust, influence to be comfortable persuading, promoting and delegating and learning agility to know when to change course and to help others to do so.

A Noble Arborist