
Rotary Club of Kenthurst

Official opening of upgraded playground in John Benyon Rotary Park

On Sunday 16th October the playground was officially opened by Hon. Julian Leeser, Federal Member for Berowra, Ray Williams, State Member for Caste Hill, Mayor Peter Gangemi, Lee Pieterse (nee Benyon) and Christine O’Brien from Kenthurst Preschool. The project was funded by Federal, State and local government grants, Kenthurst Preschool and members of the community through a GoFundMe page.

Kenthurst Literary Institute (KLI) Project
A 4-metre spruce tree, grown in Oberon for 30 years was transported and replanted in John Benyon Rotary Park. This would not have been possible if not for the generous donation from Arthur Maait from Alpine Treemovals who donated this $11,000 specimen, Marc Patterson, General Manager at Kenthurst Nursery, KLI and residents who assisted with the planting.

October is Mental Health Awareness Month
We ‘Lifted the Lid’ on mental illness, by wearing a hat at our meeting and making a donation to Rotary Health for research into helping those affected by mental health. We also welcomed Mario Rodrigues, from Positive Vibes, who spoke to us about the programs they run to help improve mental health within the Hills area.

Upcoming Events
The club will be at Bunnings BBQ, Dural on Saturday 26th November. All funds raised will be for the International Dental Project in Papua New Guinea.

New members are most welcome and necessary to sustain our club. Please join, make new friends and share in this wonderful and unique community spirit, that is Kenthurst Rotary.

We support local schools and many local charities as well as overseas projects.

Our major local projects include:
• Australia Day Celebrations
• Anzac Day • The Spring Fair
• Christmas Carols
• The ongoing management of John Benyon Rotary Park

Our meetings are held at Australian Brewery, 350 Annangrove Road, Rouse Hill every Monday 6.30pm for 7pm

For more information call Club President – Chris Gaskin on 0414 903 185

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