
Regular Meetings

These groups meet regularly in our community club. Visitors are always welcome!

Rotary Club of Kenthurst meets every Monday at 6:30pm. 1st Mon of month at Kentgrove Village, cnr Jones & Kenthurst Roads, Kenthurst. Subsequent Mondays at The Australian Brewery, 350 Annangrove Rd, Rouse Hill. Visitors welcome! Info Chris Gaskin on 0414 903 185. [email protected] W:

Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook meets 1st Thurs of month at Cherrybrook Community and Cultural Centre. Ross 0411104863. We warmly welcome you to our Probus Club to share the good times!

Probus Club of Round Corner meets 2nd Monday of month, 9.30am Galston Club, 21 Arcadia Rd Galston. We enjoy Tennis, Mahjong, Movie Club & Luncheon. Visitors welcome! Secretary Julie Patman 0439 072 218.

Probus Club of the Hills welcomes you to our meetings! 2nd Wednesday of the month (except Jan), Galston Club 10am. Bob Heyward 0427360389 or Ken Smith 0413309573.

Dural & District Prostate Cancer Support Group meets 3rd Monday of every month 7:00 pm Blue Gum Centre, Glenhaven Green, 607 Old Northern Road, Glenhaven. Call Graham 8677 7896 or 0402 421 062.

Kenthurst Combined Probus Club meets 3rd Monday of every month (except Dec) 9.30am Kenthurst Uniting Church. Membership Director Burt Stuut 9652 1239. Guests are always welcome! Just turn up on the day!

Coonara Cherrybrook Combined Probus Group is a friendly group that meets at Castle Hill Bowling Club on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10.00am. Come and join in the many activities if you enjoy fun and fellowship.

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