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Reconciliation Week

At Pathways Community Counselling, we stand strongly in support of those in need, committed to being inclusive and supporting the diversity of all people in Australia, all walks of life, all races, cultures, gender, sexuality or disability.

May 27th marks the beginning of Reconciliation Week. Reconciliation is the journey of all Australians and began formally almost three decades ago. At the heart of this journey is the relationship between the wider Australian community and our Indigenous communities. Reconciliation week aims to be a step towards developing justice re: the wrongs of the past. To support increasing equality and equity for Indigenous Australians.

The descendants of the original Indigenous caretakers of this land suffer from intergenerational trauma, endless associated challenges and are amongst the most vulnerable in our society. They endure much higher levels of psychological distress, three times higher than the non-Indigenous population. They struggle with unemployment, lack of educational opportunities, lower average income, more adverse life events and chronic physical illnesses.

Those of us whose ancestors have travelled here to Australia (and may have been part of cruel and inhumane treatment towards the first inhabitants) may wish to do what we can to support our Indigenous communities and all minority and disadvantaged communities. Many things can be done to heal the impact of past hurts on our mind and body.

You yourself may have endured past hurt or trauma, which you would appreciate having a place to talk about, with someone who can suggest methods to heal the impacts on your nervous system.

At Pathways Community Counselling Clinic, we offer a professional and friendly local counselling service, here to support you with life’s challenges, big and small. Sometimes all you need is to know that someone cares. Generously supported by the Galston Branch of Bendigo Bank, we are committed to making help available to all of those within our community who feel in need of some support.

To speak with one of our counsellors, reach out today for confidential counselling support.

Contact us on 0434 293 116.
Your first session is free.

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Reconciliation, Reconciliation 

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