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Probus Ponderings – Try to Remember the Kind of September

At our September meeting members of the Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook reminisced over the activities they had enjoyed in past September.

We were keen to remember the wonderful times we had shared together throughout the life of the club and be inspired for the future.

Nostalgia began with some exciting trips including one to China in 2005, a local sojourn to Broken Hill and along with the Murray and more recently in 2019, an overnight walking group tour of Kiama.

Past Septembers also included relaxed social drives and a more challenging car trial and a fascinating trip to the historic kerosene shale mining town of Joadja which has transformed itself into a tempting gin distillery – certainly more enjoyable in 2018 than its first incantation.

Outings were not only on land but in September 2017 we enjoyed a fabulous Seven Island cruise around Sydney Harbour on the heritage vessel, the Harman.

However, we did not only enjoy reflecting on the past. Following the fun and games of the Birthday Quiz, we began online Trivia which has become a regular feature while we await with keen anticipation New South Wales opening up and the opportunity to enjoy the many activities ready and waiting to go.

If you are an able-bodied, semi-retired or retired couple and have promised yourselves to get out, meet new people and have new experiences the Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook could be for you. We would love you to join us.

Our meetings are usually held at the Cherrybrook Community and Cultural Centre on the first Thursday of the month but are currently suspended.

For up to date information please contact Ross on 0411 104 863. We look forward to warmly welcoming you to our Probus Club.
