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Probus Ponderings – Out and About Morning, Noon and Night

Probus Ponderings – Out and About Morning, Noon and Night

The past month has brought great diversity in the events enjoyed by the members of the Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook.

Activities included Ten Pin Bowling, a theatre outing to the Castle Hill Players and Music of the Night, an enjoyable day at the Wyong races and a beautiful day at the Royal Botanic Gardens including a celebrity meeting with Costa Georgiadis – what a talented garden lovers’ organiser we have!

Our Broken Hill travellers returned singing the praises of their trip including overnight in the Underground Motel, White Cliffs. As in every month, regular pastimes of golf, bowls, craft, book club, walks, cards and games and the money matters group provided opportunities for fun and fitness. Upcoming outings include Tina Turner the Musical, the Loftus Tram Museum and Badgery’s Creek Airport site.

If you are an able bodied, semi-retired or retired couple and have promised yourselves to get out, meet new people and have new experiences, the Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook could be for you!

We meet at the Cherrybrook Community and Cultural Centre on the first Thursday of each month.

For information contact Ross 0411 104 863

Pat Fedele