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Probus Ponderings – Staying Connected And Active

This month saw the inaugural Probus Day for clubs throughout Australia and New Zealand – not necessarily the best time to launch an awareness campaign but there was no crystal ball when planning began back in 2019. The Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook celebrated the day with our October Zoom meeting but look forward to the opportunity of something more inviting next year.

Outdoor activities continued in a safe way with a delightful social drive to the Megalong Valley incorporating a stop at the picturesque Hawkesbury Lookout.

The walking group challenged themselves with rocks, sand and steep inclines on a lengthy walk in the Boudii National Park. Along the route they enjoyed some lovely sea views and followed the exertion with a relaxing picnic lunch.

Our book club continued on Zoom, in the past month discussing ‘Walking Free’ by Munjed Al Muderis while those in the craft group spent time creating a wide variety of hand –crafted future heirlooms. Both the golfers and bowlers enjoyed their regular recreation in the great outdoors with more members recently participating.

We are delighted that the current situation has not deterred visitors from making contact with us resulting in several applying successfully for membership. If you are an able bodied, semiretired or retired couple and have promised yourselves to get out, meet new people and have new experiences Cherrybrook Combined Probus could be for you. Normally we meet on the first Thursday of the month at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, Shepherds Lane, Cherrybrook though currently meetings are suspended.

For up to date information please contact Ross on 9899 4863 or 0411104863. We look forward to warmly welcoming you to our Probus Club year.

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