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Sport News at The Centre Dural – Boys Take to the Netball Court!

Boys around NSW are embracing their speed, agility and coordination playing Netball with their peers. Local Mum Jenni has an almost 12 year old who has been playing Netball in the local junior competitions.

She said “He’s absolutely loved the game and being a part of a team for the first time. He’s developed skills he didn’t know he had and it’s been great to see him finally find a sport he enjoys.”

Even though there are more boys playing netball than ever before, it’s not easy to find pathways to continue once they reach the age of 12.

Netball NSW in conjunction with Men’s Netball NSW has been seeking to create more opportunity for high school aged boys to embrace this sport. The Netball NSW Schools Cup in 2023 had a big turn out of boy’s teams keen to participate and showcasing their skills.

The Centre at Dural, with Netball NSW and the Dural Warriors Netball Club, is looking forward to offering boy’s social Netball Competitions for high school aged boys in 2024.

Boys can form teams with their mates and enjoy playing this intense and highly-skilled sport. Maybe the next generation of Men’s Netball Superstars will be grown right here in our local area.

If you have a boy interested in finding out more about Netball, see thecentredural.org.au/sports-competitions or call the sports team on 8989 0000.
