
Kenthurst Probus News

Kenthurst Probus Club held its May meeting at the Kenthurst Uniting Church. Club member Barbara Roberts gave a talk on her experiences in setting up an eye surgery clinic in Myanmar (then known as Burmah). 

At the time some eight percent of the local population suffered blindness, and there were many more with other eye disease of one kind or another and very little if any professional assistance.

Barbara is a trained nurse specializing in eye disease. Her skills enabled the establishment of an eye clinic with local nursing staff that she helped train, who were then able to assist visiting Australian volunteer eye surgeons and anaesthetists, whose skilled work helped many Burmese recover from their afflictions.

There were some graphic visual aids for the meeting! Fr her work in this area, Barbara was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).

In June, with a considerable change of tack, Kenthurst Probus will hear a speech from Ian Small on the Kurrajong Walk Recruiting Drive in Australia during World War One. Visitors are always welcome: we meet at 9.30 AM on the third Monday of each month: contact Burt Stuut on 9652 1239.