
Our Community’s Visionary Plan for Hornsby Shire’s Future to Go on Exhibition

An ambitious ten-year draft Community Strategic Plan for Hornsby Shire has gone on public exhibition until 11 April 2022.

Titled ‘Your Vision | Your Future 2032’, the Community Strategic Plan is the highest-level plan that Hornsby Shire Council prepares, developed collaboratively with the community directly and through a wide range of local organisations, and other levels of government.

‘Your Vision | Your Future 2032’ covers the period from 2022 until 2032 and is intended to be reviewed every four years following the local government elections.

“Every project led by Council is guided by the Community Strategic Plan,” said Hornsby Shire Mayor, Philip Ruddock.

“Hornsby Shire’s Community Strategic Plan, ‘Your Vision | Your Future 2032’ is the community’s plan envisaging what our citizens want Hornsby Shire to be like in 2032.

“More than just a vision for the future of Hornsby Shire, though, it maps out the means by which Council and our community together can turn their vision into practical reality.”

The development of the plan has been informed by Council’s Community Engagement Policy which specifies our commitment to ensuring that our community’s voice influences Council decision-making.

During the last three years alone, Hornsby Shire Council has undertaken 27 community engagement projects, receiving feedback and responses from some 15,000 residents, as we worked toward a more prosperous and sustainable future for the people of Hornsby Shire.

The major challenges the Hornsby Shire community identified for the next ten years include responding to population growth, housing affordability, responding to economic and technological change, taking action on climate change, and enhancing the social diversity and resilience within the community.

“Together, we must aim to make Hornsby Shire a resilient community, especially in relation to droughts, floods, bushfires and other extreme weather events, and that our community works toward sustainability by reducing environmental impacts and maintaining our beautiful natural environment even as we provide for essential development,” said Mayor Ruddock.

“To achieve that vision, we must first-and-foremost provide the supporting infrastructure to keep up with growth and progress in the Shire.

“There is no doubt that the many challenges before us are significant, demanding commitment, wisdom, and energy on our part.  However, I am perfectly confident, given the great goodwill shown across our community in the development of ‘Your Vision | Your Future 2032’, that we shall succeed,” said Mayor Ruddock.

Your Vision | Your Future 2032’ will be made available for public comment through further community consultation until 11 April 2022.

To have your say on the plan, go to


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