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Dural and District Historical Society Inc. – News From History Cottage

Annual General Meetings are often short on numbers but the Society AGM on the 8th October was well attended, with over 30 members, and extremely interesting. First time visitors enjoyed the Show and Tell that followed.

Enthusiastic participation produced an impressive range of items of significance for the owners. A packing case stencil, for an early orchardist recovered from a buried rubbish tip; a valued set of Bobs balls had a story to tell about a “poor mans billiard table”; a glove box, made from offcuts by a framer, as a present for his wife; two books by Dr Weary Dunlop given in appreciation of the help given to him by a member. Our photograph is of a local identity showing his ancestors defence against the unwelcome attention bushrangers at the “Half Way Inn”.

The election of the Management Committee filled the requirements. However there are vacancies for an additional three to assist in the administration of the Society. If any reader is interested in and would like to take part in research of, for example, land titles, maps, family history, World War 1 and 2, convicts, and local history, our resources are there for use.

The guest speakers and tours for 2023 are in preparation. The satisfaction of arranging these, for the enjoyment and edification of other members, is a most gratifying challenge. It does not need to be a Committee member, just a committed volunteer.

Our 12th November meeting will be held in the Uniting Church, School Road, Galston. The guest speaker will be Ray Williams, Member of the New South Wales Parliament. His subject will be how the descendants of early convicts have influenced our community. Enquiries 9653 1365


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