ear studio sept

Gardening is a Great Antidote to Stress!

The Hills Shire Garden Club is proud to introduce Mrs Joan Hoyle who was the recipient of the Anne Williams Clarke Medallion from Garden Clubs Australia for outstanding service to Hills Shire Garden Club.

The Award started in 1998 and was originally a single national award. In 2011, a review of the Award decided any affiliated club could nominate a member of their club for the medallion. Joan served as President for over 20 years until 2021 and is a most deserving recipient.

The club meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 1.00pm at Barton Hall 178 David Road Castle Hill. We invite interesting speakers, hold raffles, conduct bus trips and run plant sales. Everyone is welcome.

Enquiries: Irene O’Brien 9624 5034.

Hills Shire Garden Club

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