
Have You Ever Considered Assisted Living?

Assisted Living is a great option between Independent Living and Aged Care. When you are looking for some extra support for a loved one, but don’t feel that they are ready for Aged Care, Assisted Living may be the answer for you.

Assisted Living offers a one or two-bedroom unit, providing complete independence, and yet with all the support, you need such as all meals provided, linen service, cleaning and a 24-hour emergency call button. A serviced apartment gives you the choice to keep your independence and put your feet up when you feel like it.

You can choose to have your housework done for you, enjoy chef-prepared meals in our dining room and become involved in activities and bus outings. Whether you decide to buy, rent or stay for a short period for some respite, Woodlands can provide you with a personalised care plan to suit your needs.

Call Woodlands today to find out more on (02) 9481 8842.