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Glenhaven Rural Fire Brigade

The last month has seen an increase in activity for the brigade. There have been a number of calls to bush fires, grass fires and building automatic fire alarms.

Where there is a risk from bush fire, the NSW Rural Fire Service uses Bush Fire Alerts to provide information to affected communities using radio, television, and the internet. There are three Bush Fire Alert levels to help you make the right choices for your safety.

ADVICE: A fire has started. There is no immediate danger. Stay up to date in case the situation changes.

WATCH AND ACT: There is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to start taking action now to protect you and your family.

EMERGENCY WARNING: An Emergency Warning is the highest level of Bush Fire Alert. You may be in danger and need to take action immediately. Any delay now puts your life at risk.

A fire can threaten suddenly so be ready to act. Connect with your neighbours and follow the advice of emergency services. The Fires Near Me app, the website, and NSW RFS Facebook page and the Bushfire Information Line (1800 679 737) all provide information you need during a fire.

Always have a backup to stay connected. Local radio, using a battery-powered radio, can be a good source of information.

Our training program has continued at the brigade and at the district level. This has included one of our newest members achieving their Bush Firefighter qualification. Other members have attended training on Incident Management, RFS Software and Data Management, Safe Working on Roofs, and Firefighting Techniques.

We have also been asked to attend the 2021 Glenhaven Carols which will be held on the 12th December at Glenhaven Oval. To find out more, please visit

We wish all of the Glenhaven community
a safe and merry festive season and Happy New Year.

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