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Glenhaven Rural Fire Brigade

Although Glenhaven Rural is cold and wet at this time of year, it is now that you should be planning for the bush fire season ahead. The middle of a bushfire is no time to start thinking about what you should do. Having a Bush Fire Survival Plan will help you avoid making last-minute decisions that could be deadly.

The more prepared you are for a bush fire, the better your chances of survival. Your bush fire survival plan will help provide protection for you, your family and your pets. It outlines what you need to do to prepare, and what actions each member of your family will need to do if there is a bushfire to be safe. Everyone’s Bush Fire Survival Plan will be different – the important thing is that it works for you and your family.

A good plan will consider the different situations you may be faced with and what you will do if things go wrong. In a bush fire, the situation can change quickly and your plan should cover this. Make sure everyone in your family knows and understands your Bush Fire Survival Plan. Practice it regularly and keep it where you can find it. You can download a template for the Bush Fire Survival Plan today at

Here at Glenhaven, we are using the cooler months to prepare our team and equipment for the next bushfire season.

Many of our members are completing training courses across the district, covering a range of topics including wildfire crew leader, safe working on roofs, advanced fire fighting techniques and our new members are completing the bush fire fighting course. Our annual training session at Living Choice Glenhaven was also very successful, and we thank all of the residents who participated in the activity.

In addition to a number of fire alarms this month, we were also called to assist in a car accident in the area. Please drive safely in slippery conditions. For more information on our brigade, please follow Glenhaven Rural Fire Brigade on Facebook

Fire bridge

Scott and Sons