
Galston Concerts Winning Formula

The Galston Concerts have scheduled another ‘best and brightest’ winning combination for Sunday 25 July in Galston Uniting Church: top-notch professionals plus young performers – a fast-rising local star included.

The one-hour(ish) main concert, starting at 2 pm, features Three’s Company, Sydney-resident but international performers – at least in pre-COVID travelling years. Their soprano-clarinet-piano trio blend will offer music by some of the great ‘music you can’t live without’ Classical composers – Mozart, Schubert – plus folk, cabaret and tango contrasts.

Galston’s traditional organ prelude, starting c. 1.30 pm, will see Kenthurst-resident local talent Jack Theakston welcoming another prize-winning young organist, Bailey Yeates, performing music by J. S. Bach and Vaughan Williams. Galston Concerts 

Jack’s multi-skills as a cellist have recently included a Saint- Saens Concerto solo with the Balmain Sinfonia plus his Piccolo String Quartet being selected as one of just twelve groups advancing to the national finals in August of Musica Viva’s Strike A Chord Competition for high school ensembles. Galston Concerts 

The unpredictable trends of COVID suggest that advanced bookings for the 25 July concert are a wise move, just in case audience numbers need to be capped to comply with COVID Plan advice. If the concert has to be cancelled on public health advice, refunds will be guaranteed to all those who have booked through

To join the Galston audience database phone the church office on 9653 2039. Monthly newsletters will confirm future concerts, scheduled for 26 September and 21 November and give news of other Hills and Hornsby district concerts.

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